Enhancing Bone Health at Every Age

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Bone health is often dismissed as something only “old people” or postmenopausal women should worry about, but evidence clearly indicates that poor bone health is extremely common—even among young, healthy people, including men. It is also highly preventable and reversible through various lifestyle and other modifiable factors.

In this episode, I explain what bone health actually means; bone loss conditions like osteoporosis and osteopenia; how the bone remodeling process works; why poor bone health is increasing at a surprising rate; and, most importantly, exactly what to do to prevent or reverse bone loss.

I discuss the three I’s—investigate, interpret, and intervene—to help assess your bone health. I explain how high-intensity impact training, nutrition, and certain supplements can improve bone health. Finally, I explore emerging treatments, such as stem cells, peptides, and light therapy, and their potential for improving bone healing.


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